A fox of unknown sex on the grass in Fitzroy Square Gardens, Fitzrovia, London.
Foxrovia. Photo: Fitzrovia News.

By Ronnie Reynard

Fitzrovia’s foxes are brushing up against their celebrity neighbours with increased sightings and rumours of behaviour changes. 

Fitzroy Square — long home to some of London’s biggest names — is also the destination den for West End wildlife. 

Local dog-walkers report vixens are now making protective moves against labradoodles, terriers and larger breeds, too. 

One resident, who wished to remain anonymous, told FN: “I was in the square when a fox suddenly charged Snoopy my Labrador*. But I snapped her back on her lead and made a hasty retreat.” 

FN has long reported the fight for survival of wildlife with West End life, and many readers will hope that humans can live side-by-side with our birds and bees. But views differ on mice, rats and foxes. 

Have you seen unusual foxy behaviour? Please contact us and let us know your views.

*All names and breeds have been changed to protect the innocent.