View from street of front of restaurant at 327 Euston Road.
327 Euston Road. Photo: Fitzrovia News.

Quadrata Ltd has applied to Camden Council for a new premises licence at 327 Euston Road, Fitzrovia.

A licence is sought for the sale of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises from 11am to 10.30pm everyday of the week.

The business is described as a pizza restaurant.

To view the details of the application and make a comment, search Camden’s public licensing register for the following reference:

APP\PREMISES-NEW\110543, 327 Euston Road, NW1 3AD.

A public consultation on the application is open and comments can be submitted until 7 July 2022.

Residents in Camden may also contact the Charlotte Street Association for help and advice in responding to planning and licensing applications.