View from the street of 53-54 Tottenham Court Road. The commercial unit in the photo is a branch of the Itsu food chain.
Currently a branch of Itsu at 53-54 Tottenham Court Road. Rudy’s Pizza Limited has applied for a new premises licence. Photo: Fitzrovia News.

Rudy’s Pizza Limited has applied to Camden Council for a new premises licence on the ground floor at 53-54 Tottenham Court Road, Fitzrovia.

The applicant is seeking permission for the sale of alcohol to drink on and off the premises from 10am to 11.30pm, Monday to Thursday; 10am and midnight on Friday and Saturday; and from 11am to 10.30pm on Sunday.

Licensable activities will be limited to the sale of alcohol to take place within a pizza restaurant and a number of conditions have been offered in support of the application.

To view the details of the application and make a comment, search Camden’s public licensing register for the following reference:

APP\PREMISES-NEW\116191, Rudy’s Pizza, 53-54 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 2EJ.

The last date for making a comment on the application is 22 August 2023.

Residents in Camden may also contact the Charlotte Street Association for help and advice in responding to planning and licensing applications.

Camden’s Statement of Licensing Policy can be found here.