View of the front of the ground floor and entrance to 22 Hanway Street, Fitzrovia, London.
An application for a new premises licence at the ground floor and basement of 22 Hanway Street. Photo: Fitzrovia News.

Hanway London Ltd has made an application to Camden Council for a new premises licence for the ground floor and basement at 22 Hanway Street, in Fitzrovia East.

Permission is sought for a number of licensable activities, including the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises from 11am to 1.30am the following morning from Sunday to Tuesday; from 11am to 2.30am the following morning from Wednesday to Saturday, and on any day before a public holiday.

The premises is located in the Hanway Street Conservation Area which is characterised by a mix of residential and commercial buildings.

According to the application, the business would operate as a private club open to members and their guests, and as a venue for private hire. A number of conditions including a noise assessment have been offered in support of the application.

The ground floor and basement previously operated as two separate licensed premises. The current application proposes combining the two floors into a single unit under one premises licence.

To view the details of the application and make a comment, search Camden’s public licensing register for the following reference:

APP/PREMISES-NEW/120107, 7M (Ground Floor & Basement) 22 Hanway Street, London W1T 1UQ.

A public consultation on the application is open until 16 April 2024.

Residents in Camden may also contact the Charlotte Street Association for help and advice in responding to planning and licensing applications.